Pickup Information

PDS Drop Off Plan

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There are a few changes coming in the new year for student Drop-Off and Pick-Up at PDS. Our PDS administration, Superintendent and city officials got together to come up with a new plan for student Drop-Off and Pick-Up.  The new traffic patterns will ease congestion, improve wait time and be less disruptive to the local neighborhood. 

PDS will now have 2 Parent Drop-Off/Pick-Up lines, Line 1 will have traffic travel northbound along Calle Estudiante and then will turn left onto Paseo Las Palmas. This line will be for Kinder- 6th grade Drop Off in the morning, and 1st-6th grade Pick Up in the afternoon. Line 2  will use the main entrance of the school off of Paseo Las Palmas, except now the flow of traffic is reversed.  You will enter the parking lot in the old exit location and then proceed through the lot to the traffic circle to drop off your students.  Cars will then exit and turn left onto Paseo Las Palmas and right onto Calle Jinete.  This line will be for Pick Up of Kinder in the afternoon and both Drop Off and Pick Up for Headstart.  Families with children in both lines in the afternoon can use the main entrance Pick Up.  The gate at Calle Estudiante will close at the first bell at 7:55, any student coming after that will need to use the main entrance and check in at the office.

Students who are walking home from school will be released out of the main gate.  Bus riders will meet the bus on Paseo Las Palmas. 

Just to recap the changes:

  1. New Plan starts on Wednesday, January 4, 2023.

  2. The previous exit is now the entrance to the main parking. The flow of traffic has been reversed. 

  3. You will only be able to turn left out of the main parking lot onto Paseo Las Palmas. 

  4. Kindergarten and Headstart will be released from the main parking lot. Older siblings of Kindergarten students can be released from the main parking lot. 

  5. Parent arrival and dismissal will now be completed from Calle Estudiante. Parents must remain in their vehicles and will only be able to turn left onto Paseo Las Palmas.

  6. Walkers will be released from the front entrance now. 

  7. Students riding the bus will continue to be released from the bus bay. 

  8. We will be closing the Calle Estudiante gate at 7:55 for our arrival. Students who arrive past 7:55 will need to be checked in with an adult at the front office. 

We know that this new plan will help alleviate a lot of problems, but like all changes, it will take getting used to.  Please be patient with staff, traffic officials and other parents while we all work together to make this work.

Student Safety Reminder

Please remember, for safety, we must walk our bikes, scooters, skateboards, etc. while on campus. The same procedure is required while crossing streets.

Straddling your bike seat or scooter and walking is not enough; you should walk with both feet on the same side of the device.

Safety First at PDS!

Pueblo del Sol is a closed campus and ALICE-certified, which means it's critical for visitors to sign in at the front office any time they are coming onto school grounds. Our gates will be locked during school hours and classroom doors will be locked at all times.

We will keep students in classrooms during storms and heavy rain. We will delay dismissal in unsafe weather. When we delay dismissal, we will send out a robocall letting parents know. Please answer these calls to avoid having to call the school office during these crucial times.