Pickup Information

Student Dropoff and Pickup Procedures

Student Dropoff and Pickup Procedures

All students need to be dropped off and picked up in the "Kiss-n-Go" loop.  

Please drop off students before the curve near the cafeteria in the morning and pick up students at the far south side of the lot in the afternoon. Drop off and pick up in the outer lane ONLY. The inner lane should only be used for moving traffic. 

Do not park or leave your vehicle while in the Kiss-n-Go loop. If you want to walk your student to class, you must park your car in a designated parking spot and do so. 


Staff members are on duty to ensure the safety of students being picked up in the Kiss-n-Go loop. 

No cars are allowed in the designated bus loop. If you are blocking traffic on Lenzner Avenue, you will be ticketed by the Sierra Vista Police Department.  

Important Information for Bus Riders

It is expected that students will behave appropriately on the bus whether they are going to and from school or on a school field trip.

Only regularly scheduled students are allowed to ride the bus. Students who normally do not ride the bus will not have permission to ride without a written note. Notes will be sent up to the office for approval by the principal. No faxes or emails will be accepted.