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Derek J Kent
Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
Exceptional Student Services
Amber Fisher
ELL Coach
Exceptional Student Services
Rachael M Arroyo
School Psychologist
Exceptional Student Services
Jena Wehrle
School Psychologist
Exceptional Student Services
Melissa Jessop
Behavioral Technician
Exceptional Student Services
Lynn Price
School Psychologist
Exceptional Student Services
Jolene Fernald
Gifted Teacher
Exceptional Student Services
Samantha M Ramirez
Behavior Technician
Exceptional Student Services
Jane A Rivera
Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
Exceptional Student Services
Tyler B Krings
Physical Therapist
Exceptional Student Services
Patricia Bornstein
Speech Language Pathology Assistant-
Exceptional Student Services
Amy E Murray
Occupational Therapist
Exceptional Student Services
Jaeda Castro
Speech Language Pathology Assistant
Exceptional Student Services
Cassandra Jones
IEP Coordinator
Exceptional Student Services
Patricia Stickler
ELL teacher
Exceptional Student Services
Keri Muscarella
ELL Teacher
Exceptional Student Services
Mckayla Wilson
Exceptional Student Services
Carmen Dannels
Speech Language Pathology Assistant
Exceptional Student Services
Amanda Fitzpatrick
ESS Compliance Monitor & Grants Management Specialist
Exceptional Student Services
(520) 515-2925
Deborah Roman Montes
Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
Exceptional Student Services